Guanglian third quarter birthday party | this autumn warmth, please check!

When I was a child, my birthday was the reunion of my parents, delicious cakes, exquisite toys;

After going to school, birthday is the carnival of friends, classmates' blessing, friends' surprise;

After work, the birthday is the blessing of colleagues, is the yearning for life, the hope for the future.

The autumn leaves, the breeze slowly

All the good things seem to happen without notice

Guanglian Group ushered in the third quarter birthday party as scheduled

Relaxed and comfortable, warm and welcoming atmosphere

For everyone after work

Bring a special autumn warmth

This quarter birthday party Guanglian Shenzhen headquarters

With Beijing company, Shanghai company, Guangzhou company, Dongguan company

Still be held simultaneously

Share a happy hour



Shenzhen headquarters

Food party


Every birthday party is a feast of food

A lovely light-colored balloon

A colorful cake so delicate it's hard to cut

Sweet and delicious colorful fruit plate

Soft pizza, spicy spicy taste


Waiting for the autumn carnival to come




Guangzhou Company

Warm meeting

Wish together, sincere blessing

Laugh and talk to release work pressure

Share a good meal with a happy mind

Love life with an optimistic attitude

Work hard with a positive attitude

Everyone is enjoying this happy time

And in the lively conversation of this food party

Know each other better

Cherish the moment more


Dongguan company

Move forward happily

Little get-together

Conveys the taste of happiness

Along the way, thank you for having you

Go through trials and hardships, never change the original heart

In the time of forging ahead with the light Union

Let's keep walking and be happy



Beijing Company

Growth always happens by accident

Birthdays always come as promised

Looking forward to the next birthday party


Shanghai company

  • Trust
    Huawei's preferred MSP
  • Major
    Many to one system
  • Hassel free
    Exclusive Engineer Services
  • Standardization
    One-stop implementation services
  • Intellectualization
    Intelligent robot operation and maintenance
  • Visualization
    7-by-24 hour monitoring center