General assembly review | SD-WAN helps the fashion industry upgrade flexible and secure production networks

On September 28-29, the 13th Global Textile and Garment Supply Chain Conference (TASCC), co-sponsored by China Textile Industry Federation and Shenzhen Longhua District People's Government, was held in Dalang, Shenzhen. With the theme of "Flexible, safe and sustainable - Upgrading and reshaping of fashion supply chain under Global change", the conference gathered 100 apparel brand entrepreneurs and industry elites at home and abroad to discuss the sustainable development path of enterprises under the digital transformation of the apparel industry in the post-epidemic era. As the only enterprise network service provider in this conference, Guanglian Group brought SD-WAN solutions to the scene, with customized intelligent network services, enabling garment enterprises to upgrade the production network, helping to create a high-speed interconnected supply chain production system, and injecting new energy into the digital development of the garment industry.



At the conference, from the United Kingdom, France, Canada and other multinational clothing coffee online video shared the international clothing situation: green clothing has become a trend, with digital and sustainable development of the brand more popular in the market. With the continuous advancement of the "Internet +" era and the wide application of new network information technologies, the upgrading and reshaping of the fashion supply chain is centering on the sustainable development of digital enterprises.

Guanglian Group has been deeply engaged in enterprise wide area network services for 17 years, and the industry influence of leading SD-WAN service providers has been deeply concerned by the guests present. In the exhibition area, by sharing the overall solution of SD-WAN smart simple network and 7x24 hours real-time operation and maintenance monitoring services, Guanglian Group focused on the digital development of the clothing industry, and proposed to the enterprise big coffee to upgrade the enterprise production network with high-speed, safe and stable intelligent network, reshaping the fashion supply chain construction ideas, attracting many business leaders to come to exchange ideas.






• SD-WAN creates a flexible safe production network

The traditional garment industry chain is lengthy, the participants are numerous and scattered, coupled with most small and medium-sized enterprises, the network information infrastructure construction is weak, and the production efficiency is not high. At the same time, with the expansion of business globalization, multi-branch network data at home and abroad cannot be securely interconnected at high speed, resulting in low collaborative efficiency of the entire garment industry chain.

Optical link SD-WAN has the characteristics of intelligent deployment operation and maintenance, intelligent application routing, and intelligent application acceleration, reshaping the fashion supply chain system for clothing enterprises, enabling them to upgrade a more flexible and safe high-quality production network, helping enterprises flexibly adapt to the personalized and diversified development of business, so as to ensure the safe transmission of data in design, procurement, production, distribution, sales and other business links. Achieve rapid response throughout the supply chain, ultra-fast interconnection and efficient collaboration of multiple branches of global business, and further accelerate the digital development of enterprises.


• 7x24 hours operation and maintenance services unleash IT department productivity

Real-time monitoring of the whole network, minut-level response to faults and timely processing, reduce the operation and maintenance pressure of the IT department of clothing enterprises, can help IT personnel free from tedious network operation and maintenance, better devote themselves to the innovative research and development of core business systems such as 3D design, virtual display, supply chain management, and truly transform into a value profit center. And then promote enterprises to achieve intelligent sustainable development.


At present, the sustainable development of the fashion industry has become a global consensus, and the combination of intelligent networks to achieve intelligent coordination of supply chain links is an important part of clothing enterprises to accelerate digital transformation and achieve sustainable development. The high-speed, secure and stable enterprise network interconnection experience created by the SD-WAN of this conference has been recognized by many domestic and foreign garment enterprises. In the future, Guanglian Group will continue to innovate products and services, with more comprehensive and better quality intelligent network services, better enhance the clothing fashion industry chain, accelerate the process of enterprise digitization, networking and intelligence, so as to promote the transformation and upgrading of the textile and garment industry, improve quality and efficiency.


  • Trust
    Huawei's preferred MSP
  • Major
    Many to one system
  • Hassel free
    Exclusive Engineer Services
  • Standardization
    One-stop implementation services
  • Intellectualization
    Intelligent robot operation and maintenance
  • Visualization
    7-by-24 hour monitoring center