Taking the east wind of Guangdong-Macao Cooperation Zone, Guanglian Group helps the Greater Bay Area science and technology innovation industry to take off

Lead: Guanglian Group, as the representative of science and technology innovation enterprises in Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone, will continuously consolidate its own technology research and development capabilities under the new system of consultation, joint construction, management and sharing of Guangdong and Macao, and under the guidance of various favorable policies, carry out more extensive industry-university-research cooperation with relevant colleges and universities, and constantly train and introduce high-tech talents in the cooperation zone. In order to achieve the development goals of the construction of Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Cooperation Zone, Do your part.
Recently, as the benchmark representative of science and technology innovation enterprises in Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Cooperation Zone, Huang Shuzhan, founder & chairman of Guanglian Group, accepted interviews with major media in the Bay Area such as Macao Daily News, Yangcheng Evening News, Dongguan Radio and Television Station, sharing his entrepreneurial experience in the Greater Bay Area for nearly 20 years, as well as his ideas and suggestions on the construction plan of Hengqin Guangdong-Macao deep cooperation Zone, and called on talents from various industries and positions. Qi to participate in the construction of deep joint area.
With the implementation of the Overall Plan for the Construction of Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone, Guanglian Group has actively responded to national policies and contributed its share to the construction of Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone from the two aspects of "helping Macao's diversified industrial development" and "assisting the construction of a new home that facilitates the life and employment of Macao residents"
To help Macao diversify its industries
• Actively promote industry-university-research cooperation projects
In recent years, Macao has actively promoted the science and technology industry, and attaches great importance to the training of scientific and technological talents. In order to cultivate talents, the Bureau of Economic Science and Technology actively connects science and technology enterprises, launches innovative attempts to achieve industry-university-research cooperation between enterprises and colleges and universities, and promotes the integrated development of industry-university-research cooperation. Last year, with the support of the Macao Science and Technology Foundation, Guanglian Group reached an industry-university-research cooperation with the University of Macau.

Macao Daily News

As the first group of pioneers of Macao youth entrepreneurship in the Greater Bay Area, Huang Shuzhan, founder and chairman of Guanglian Group, believes that. Taking the lead of the government, the participation of universities, and the co-construction of enterprises, the promotion of industry-university-research cooperation projects will not only solve the problem of long-term development mechanism of talent training in Qinao, but also allow Macao's science and technology research and development and high-end manufacturing industry to have broader development opportunities. With the help of industry-university-research cooperation, it can not only give students a better development platform, but also have a good product landing environment, but also open up the government, funds, enterprises and colleges to form a closed loop.
• Help Australian enterprises solve network communication problems and achieve "1+1>2"
Under the policy of network security compliance, we will help solve the network communication problems in the diversified development of Macao's industries, so that these Macao enterprises can use their information systems and work habits smoothly, and assist these Macao enterprises to quickly establish a foothold in the cooperation zone. Attract more Macao youth to work and live in Hengqin, forming a virtuous circle.

Yangcheng Evening News

In the view of the Yellow Book Fair, the entrepreneurial atmosphere in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is rich and the entrepreneurial environment is mature. Many enterprises work together, have produced the effect of "one plus one is greater than two". His own experience is the best proof. He also said: "The integration of Qin and Macao is a great opportunity, I hope that Macao youth seize this opportunity, enter the Greater Bay Area, and contribute to the science and technology innovation enterprises."


❒ Original page: A3, Yangcheng Evening News, September 17

To assist in the construction of new homes that facilitate the life and employment of Macao residents
• Create a non-discriminatory living environment for the residents of Shenhe District
We hope to cooperate with operators and government agencies in the cooperation zone to build a fast, safe and stable network communication environment for a group of makelspaces, incubators and scientific research and innovation carriers such as Hengqin Macao Youth Entrepreneurship Valley and Sino-Portuguese Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Base, using our understanding of Macao people's living habits and nearly 20 years of service experience in the field of telecom value-added services. At the same time, it also creates an efficient and secure network communication environment for Macao residents working and living in the cooperation zone, so that they can carry out remote working and daily social activities smoothly, and help them to take root in the cooperation zone and live and work happily.

Dongguan Radio and Television Station

Nineteen years of wind and rain, the Yellow Book fair has witnessed the growth of Dongguan, and also placed the global operation and maintenance center of Guanglian Group in Dongguan. When talking about why he chose Dongguan to start his business in the Greater Bay Area, Huang Shuzhan said: "Dongguan is an open, inclusive and very livable city, and is located between Guangzhou and Shenzhen, with many manufacturing enterprises and rich industrial clusters; There are also a lot of foreign investors opening factories in Dongguan, and the demand for import and export trade has given a huge market for network communication services."
At the same time, the Yellow Book Fair also suggested that the young people of Hong Kong and Macao should take the initiative to come out, learn more about the market dynamics of the Greater Bay Area, communicate and interact more with the local youth, seize the current opportunities to build the Greater Bay Area, and give full play to their advantages and capabilities on this platform, so as to achieve their own values and goals
The spring tide rises in the Pearl River! In the future, under the policy guidance of Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone, Huang Shufair will continue to lead Guanglian Group, continue to exert its influence as the benchmark of science and technology innovation enterprises in Shenzhen Cooperation Zone, constantly consolidate its own technology research and development strength and network intelligent operation and maintenance ability, and help the development of science and technology innovation industry in Shenzhen Cooperation Zone.

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