Photonics uses "long-termism" to create SD-WAN services and change network perception


On November 28, 2020 China SD-WAN Summit was successfully held in Beijing, and Guanglian Group won the "Innovative Enterprise of the Year Award" in the Enterprise brand category of 2020 SD-WAN Awards. At the meeting, Mr. Liu Chao, Director of SD-WAN products of Guanglian Group, delivered a keynote speech on "Creating SD-WAN Services with" long-term doctrine "and changing network cognition.


In the current digital era, the global SD-WAN market continues to maintain steady growth. With the continuous advancement of multi-cloud collaboration, cloud network integration, LAN WAN integration, and the continuous acceleration of enterprise application layer iteration speed, SD-WAN, as a new network technology with revolutionary significance, has gradually become the best choice to solve the flexible and efficient connection of enterprises. At the 2020 China SD-WAN Summit site, Mr. Liu Chao, Director of SD-WAN Products of Guanglian Group, combined with the application trend of SD-WAN, gave a wonderful speech on the theme of "Creating SD-WAN services with 'long-termism' and changing network cognition".

Connectivity is an essential requirement for multiple application layers

As application tiers and networking technologies evolve, connectivity becomes more complex, and businesses need to constantly respond and change. Mr. Liu Chao, Director of SD-WAN products at Guanglian Group, said: In the process of quickly adapting to changes in the hierarchy, it is necessary to find "slow variables". In fact, the hierarchy continues to change is the way and tools of connection, but always the same is the need for connection. Guanglian Group always grasps the essential demand of "constant connection" at multiple application levels, helps customers build more efficient and lower cost networks, and continuously iterates and optimizes under the long-term principle to provide customers with more high-quality connection services.

Create a long-term vision of SD-WAN services

The group deeply cultivates the field of SD-WAN services, and creates a panorama of SD-WAN services in the long-term continuous bearing of "slow variables". Optical link SD-WAN services are mainly divided into two parts: basic service capabilities and customer service capabilities, from the global service for enterprises to build a global, systematic intelligent simple network, to achieve high-speed security and stable interconnection.

Optical Link SD-WAN service value

SD-WAN is not a technology, but a service that applies SDN technology to a wide area network (WAN) scenario to connect enterprise networks, data centers, Internet applications, and cloud services across a wide geographic area. At the scene, Mr. Liu Chao summarized the value of the SD-WAN service brought to customers:

Faster access: Fast implementation of deployment services

We have a TRM team and a technical engineer team with strong resource integration capabilities and professional customization capabilities. The global deployment of 83 POP points, refined backbone network, with 2100+ implementation service partners; Diversified deployment methods for ZTP enable faster deployment.

More optimized cost structure: Reduced labor cost input

As a WAN management service provider, Optical Link Group provides intelligent, all-weather network visual operation and maintenance monitoring services, automatic operation and maintenance, active monitoring alarms, automatic fault switching, which can effectively improve the efficiency of enterprise operation and maintenance, and reduce labor costs by more than 30%.

Higher quality assurance: high-speed, stable and secure network assurance

Based on SRv6 technology, the concept of centrality model is introduced to construct optical link backbone network to realize high-speed network interconnection. Optical link NOC intelligent network monitoring center, 7x24 hours x365 days monitoring operation and maintenance services, real-time guarantee network stability; SOC Operation center to comprehensively build end-to-end security protection services for enterprise networks.

Simpler operation and maintenance: Give yourself the complexity and leave the simplicity to the customer

As a senior MSP of enterprise wide area network management services, Guanglian Group adheres to the value of MSP service, hands over the complex technical operation and maintenance to itself, leaves the simple use experience to customers, and always provides customers with a stable, reliable and secure network.

Now in the context of the accelerated transformation of the network to intelligence, SD-WAN has gradually entered the stage of commercial outbreak with mature technology, flexible and agile characteristics, and diversified application scenarios. In the future, Guanglian Group will continue to deepen the field of SD-WAN, constantly break through innovation, and further accelerate the process of enterprise cloud and digital transformation with more high-quality and intelligent SD-WAN network and refined landing operation and maintenance service capabilities.

  • Trust
    Huawei's preferred MSP
  • Major
    Many to one system
  • Hassel free
    Exclusive Engineer Services
  • Standardization
    One-stop implementation services
  • Intellectualization
    Intelligent robot operation and maintenance
  • Visualization
    7-by-24 hour monitoring center