On August 28, Guanglian met with you in Quanzhou: Explore the "Application Guide" on the road to digital acceleration in manufacturing industry

Driven by policies, the development of new infrastructure information infrastructure innovation technologies such as 5G, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and smart data centers is bound to catalyze the rapid iteration of manufacturing technology, and the accelerated maturity and landing of programs and services. Cloud computing, known as the cornerstone of digitalization, will further expand in the scope and application scenarios of enterprise deployment. At the same time, the rapid development of industrial Internet platforms and technologies has also become an industry consensus.

In the face of such a market trend, enterprises are already difficult to say its "new", but how to integrate?


On August 28, the "New" era, the "Change" way, the "Application guide" on the road to exploring the digitalization acceleration of manufacturing industry, organized by ENI Economic and Information Network and Fujian CIO Alliance, will be held in Quanzhou, Fujian. In this event, more than 30 Fujian enterprise CIO, IT person in charge and relevant senior leaders gathered together to discuss the latest trends of the industrial chain under the current special situation and in-depth discussions on the "new" era and methods and ways to accelerate the digitalization of manufacturing industry.

Guanglian Group has focused on enterprise wide area network management services for 17 years, and as a leading SD-WAN service provider in China, was invited to attend this CIO Zhixing Salon event. At the scene, Mr. Chen Changlin, sales director of South China Region of Guanglian Group, will deeply analyze the opportunities and challenges faced by current enterprises, share the value of SD-WAN overall solution and Guanglian 7x24 hours network intelligent monitoring operation and maintenance service, and discuss with the CIO of manufacturing enterprises how to empower the manufacturing industry with new network information technology and accelerate the digital construction of enterprises. Help realize intelligent manufacturing.


Event highlights

• How do companies think about the opportunities and challenges of the "new" era?

• Digital acceleration has been an industry consensus, which aspects should be the focus of enterprise acceleration?

• What impact will emerging ideas and network technologies have on the direction and content of enterprise digital construction?

More manufacturing updates and case studies of Opto-Link SD-WAN services

All activities in CIO Wisdom Society salon

The 28th of August

Light united in Quanzhou • Jiumu kitchen and bath Co., Ltd. headquarters

Look forward to your coming

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