Guanglian @Maker came to | to analyze SD-WAN service and enterprise application scenarios

With the accelerated pace of digital transformation, the characteristics of enterprise network "security, stability and high speed" have gradually become an important driving force for enterprises to reshape business operations, accelerate branch interconnection, and promote business innovation and development. On September 16, Mr. Xie Guohua, COO of Guanglian Group, was invited to visit the prime time program of Jiangsu Financial Broadcast in the evening - "Maker is coming", talked about Guanglian Group's WAN management service capabilities, and focused on sharing the overall solution of Guanglian SD-WAN and related application cases.


Guanglian Group COO Xie Guohua (middle) and the host of the show

Here are the highlights of the interview:

1, What is the difference between the enterprise network and our usual network?

Network can actually be divided into personal network, home network and enterprise network, and the three network quality requirements are not the same. For example, usually we send a wechat, this is personal, 10 minutes later or immediately transmitted, in fact, the personal impact is not big. But for enterprise networks, that is, enterprise wide area networks, which may be distributed across the country or even globally, these enterprises need linked production and important communication between enterprises and branches. At this time, enterprises will appear some production instructions, video conferencing and other core system applications, the network requirements are very high.

For example, an enterprise in Beijing sends a production order to Europe, and midway communication cannot be interrupted and lost. Because the loss and failure of enterprise network will cause great losses to enterprises. In fact, between enterprises and enterprises, enterprises and cloud computing, these interconnected data are the production network of enterprises. The so-called production network is the enterprise needs to use it to produce value, but the intermediate transmission process must ensure that the network 100% smooth, there can be no errors and leaks. Therefore, this is the biggest difference between corporate networks and personal networks.

2, What are the common solutions to solve the enterprise network?

At present, there are many types of enterprise solutions, one is the enterprise and the three major operators, apply for a point-to-point special line, which is the most common way, but the cost is relatively high, for some small and medium-sized enterprises or entrepreneurial enterprises, the burden is relatively large. Others are based on the Internet, the use of more affordable line networks, the use of intelligent network technology, algorithms or protocols to set up, the industry is called SD-WAN, it is also our light link Group in recent years to continue to research the direction of enterprise network technology.

3, Enterprise peer-to-peer network transmission, what is the most important?

Financial companies such as Bank Securities, their network is an internal wide area network, the data requirements of absolute security and confidentiality. For example, the data center of the central bank and the Bank of China is in Beijing, but its users withdraw a sum of money overseas or in China, then the data must have a completely dedicated enterprise channel, otherwise it is easy to be intercepted by hackers. Therefore, a core demand of enterprise networking is that data must be secure. Enterprises in the production line is the same, the data must be absolutely safe, the network must be absolutely stable.

4. What is SD-WAN? How is it different from the dedicated line technology?

In fact, SD-WAN is a professional approach to intelligent networking. To make a visual analogy: suppose we set out from Nanjing to Shanghai, there are ten or twenty routes. The moment you set off, choose directly to take the highway or national highway, which is like the traditional business practice, pull a special line. SD-WAN is to assign these lines to a brain's thinking, and to plan the route of travel from the perspective of the brain. Network transmission, is the car driving on the highway, before the car set off, SD-WAN has selected the best line. SD-WAN intelligent networking, like intelligent packet navigation function, can plan the best travel route for you in advance. Our SD-WAN service also gives the network the function of a brain.

5. What do enterprises care about in network services?

For enterprises, they care more about service than technology. Some of our clients, like us, have hundreds of branches, even thousands of branches around the world, and if they invest in the technology and operation of the network themselves, the investment cost will be huge. At this point, our one-stop Internet service can help them reduce their investment. Because the enterprise network industry is relatively technical, in addition to equipment technology, it also needs professional services. In the future, we hope to make the network like the home network, more convenient, intelligent and safe, and truly bring value to the enterprise.

6. Can you share some interesting cases of actual landing?

For example: we currently serve a jewelry company, has thousands of stores in the country, in order to maintain data security, they apply for a special line interconnection, the cost of 10 million a year. Later, we developed a network plan for this enterprise, through the combination of home broadband, 4G routes and 5G routes, to build a high-speed interconnected network. This not only saves them the cost of dedicated lines, but also enables them to choose the optimal route when they are connected to multi-branch data transmission, avoiding the phenomenon of system data interruption encountered by store users in check-out and inventory inquiries. Therefore, our enterprise networking solutions can 100% guarantee the stability and security of the enterprise's daily network.

Another example is our company, which has branches in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. If the management needs to meet with various departments, but some people are in the office, and some people are on business trips, video conferencing can help enterprises improve work efficiency and save time and costs. For example, if our Shenzhen headquarters wants to issue a decision, through video conferencing, colleagues in each branch are aware of it, which can eliminate travel costs and achieve enterprise cost optimization.


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