The summer weekend for IT professionals | Kwanglian • Shenhui CIO Information Technology Exchange Conference was successfully concluded

Enjoy the weekend when the sea breeze cools you down in summer. On August 15-16, the Shenzhen & Huizhou CIO information Technology Exchange meeting hosted by Guanglian Group was successfully held at the end of the field. This exchange meeting gathered more than 30 enterprise CIO big coffee and senior leaders from different industries, according to the digital transformation era, the challenges and risks faced by enterprises under the epidemic, respectively from the road of enterprise information security, enterprise process management, enterprise IT future trend and other aspects of zero-distance in-depth exchange and sharing, every participant was full of harvest.


CIO big coffee scene dry goods sharing


Network security management expert Li Dong speech sharing

In the era of digital industry, market competition is changing rapidly, extortion attacks have become the norm of APT attacks, and network information security problems existing in enterprise IT have become a constraint on the digital development of enterprises. With the increasing demand for remote interconnection and operation and maintenance, profit-driven security incidents break out rapidly, and the construction of enterprise network information security needs urgent innovation.


Guest Dr. Jack Chan shared his speech

Process management of enterprises can effectively manage business processes, build business capabilities that match strategies, continuously improve the operational efficiency and quality of processes, and reduce the operating costs of processes.


Light link network expert Xiong Jianhao speech sharing

Now entering the fast lane of digital transformation, network information security and stability as an important premise and guarantee for the digital development of enterprises. With the migration of enterprise services to the cloud, the expansion of network branch nodes, the surge of application traffic, and the complexity of networking scenarios, IT is becoming more and more difficult to ensure the operation and maintenance management of network security and stability. Many small and medium-sized enterprises have begun to use third-party professional teams to host the operation and maintenance of IT infrastructure, and hope to get out of the operation and maintenance of infrastructure with complex technology and high integration difficulty. More focus on optimizing their own business and application scenarios, so as to further enhance their core competitiveness.



Guanglian Group has been deeply engaged in the field of WAN management services for 17 years, and is the leading SD-WAN service provider in China. In view of the problems such as complex traditional networking, high cost, and difficult management of multi-branch IT, based on the concepts of simplicity, intelligence, high availability, openness, and security, we provide SD-WAN intelligent simple network services with high performance, strong networking, low latency, excellent experience, and anti-packet loss for enterprises, build efficient, stable, and ultimate enterprise interconnection experience, and help enterprises achieve cost reduction and efficiency increase. Create business process management and accelerate the pace of digital transformation.


Optical link SD-WAN intelligent simple network architecture diagram

SD-WAN intelligent cloud control to achieve enterprise network visual operation and maintenance management, easily help enterprises to cope with multi-branch operation and maintenance management problems, very simple operation and maintenance, optimize enterprise IT operation and maintenance costs, better help enterprises to improve process management. Optical link 7x24x365 real-time monitoring and operation and maintenance services of the whole network, timely detection and troubleshooting, always ensure the security and stability of the enterprise network, and let IT personnel free from the complicated operation and maintenance work, better use of advanced network information technology, focus on business value, innovation and enabling.

Summer weekend for IT people






This two-day and one-night exchange meeting, the CIO and leaders of the enterprise in addition to face-to-face discussions and exchanges, but also in the fun barbecue, yacht surfing relaxed atmosphere to enhance each other's emotions. So far, this exchange activity has come to a successful end.

In the future, Guanglian Group will continue to provide better and more competitive enterprise networking services for enterprise customers in different industries, and empower enterprise digital development with the ultimate interconnected intelligent simple network to help enterprises achieve greater business success. Look forward to our next meeting!

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