Guanglian Group deepens the integration of industry and education, and strengthens the training of scientific and technological innovative talents in the Greater Bay Area

Lead: Recently, Guanglian Group and Foshan University of Science and Technology (hereinafter referred to as "Foke Institute") officially signed the "school-enterprise Joint Talent Training Agreement", the two sides will cooperate in the field of wide area network, software defined network, artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies and technology talent training, smart campus construction. Based on the principle of "complementary advantages, voluntary equality, collaborative promotion and win-win cooperation", we will comprehensively promote the deep integration of industry and education, and promote the development of scientific and technological innovation and personnel training in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

We will strengthen cooperation between industry, universities and research institutes to create a model for integrating industry and education

At present, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is actively implementing the strategy of innovation-driven development. As a high-level university of science and technology in Guangdong Province, FCI grasps this opportunity, gathers innovative scientific and technological resources through the university-enterprise-production-education integration development model, and transforms high-end scientific research results to help the innovative construction of the Bay Area. This time, Guanglian Group and FoC Institute officially reached a school-enterprise strategic cooperation, the two sides will based on the joint research and development of the School of Electronic Information Engineering as the beginning, with the goal of transforming the achievements of production, education and research, jointly build a scientific research laboratory, further help colleges and universities to establish a disciplinary professional system closely docking market application and technological innovation, and build a school-enterprise cooperation and collaborative education community. To cultivate a group of high-tech talents for the innovative development of industries in the Greater Bay Area.

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At the same time, on the basis of mutual benefit, the two sides will fully integrate each other's research and development strength and resource advantages, and accelerate the output and market transformation of first-class scientific research results through the combination of "production, learning and research", so that the in-depth integration of production and education can bear fruitful fruits, and create a demonstration model for the construction and development of the Greater Bay Area.

Build a talent training base to help integrate science and technology talents in the Greater Bay Area

With the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area centering on "technological innovation", high-level innovative talents have become an important engine to promote the innovation construction of the Greater Bay Area. Guanglian Group is the first batch of pioneers of Macao youth entrepreneurship in the Greater Bay Area, and is a senior management service provider in the field of communication Internet and WAN. The school-enterprise cooperation signed with the FocAC Institute will actively respond to the policy direction of Macao's "nurturing talents and attracting talents while promoting the construction of Macao", and build a "school-enterprise joint training base" with Guanglian Dongguan Operation and Maintenance Center as the carrier.

With the gradual start of the high-end science and technology talent training plan, Light Union and FOCO Institute will take emerging technologies as the leading, gather the market practice transformation ability of enterprises and the talent training ability of colleges and universities, carry out a number of technical research topics, and jointly train advanced application innovative talents in the field of communication technology. At the same time, the two sides will also strengthen communication and exchanges between schools and enterprises, provide a good learning and growth environment and future employment opportunities for young talents in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, further promote the effective connection between the education chain, personnel training chain, industrial chain and innovation chain, and realize the precise employment of scientific and technological talents. So as to contribute to the economic development of Macao, the construction of talent highland in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the integration of scientific and technological talents!

In the future, with the gradual implementation and construction of the talent training base, Guanglian Group and FOCAC will continue to focus on the needs of technological innovation and talent development in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, guided by science and technology, and based on talent training, jointly build a high-level talent training system, and provide more talents and intellectual support for the construction of Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Macao science and technology Innovation Corridor and the sustainable development of Macao's science and technology and economy!

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